Our team from NSF project EAR #1642368 has developed instructional videos for investigating the hyporheic zone. These are available in English, Spanish, and Mandarin. The three videos are: 1. Fundamentals of tracer injection techniques. 2. Applications of stream tracers with geophysics. and 3. Fundamentals of smart tracer injections.
All videos can be found here!
We are excited to announce that the Watershed Analysis Research Group has moved to Montana State University (MSU) in Bozeman, MT as of fall 2022! I will be recruiting a post-doc, a PhD student and a lead research associate to work on projects related to understanding, measuring and modeling the hydrologic and biogeochemical implications of land use and land cover change across forested and agricultural systems. Please contact me ([email protected]) if you are interested in one of these positions!
We have launched a new Professional Science Masters with focus areas in Water, Carbon Management and Sustainable Food Systems. This is a great program for people who wish to further their careers but are not particularly interested in a research path.
See here for more information about the program. I (Tim Covino) am the director of the Water portion of the PSM so feel free to contact me with any questions! Motivated by the shift to online education during the Covid pandemic, I have begun putting teaching material online. See here for a variety of hydrological modules containing background information, assessments using pre-collected data, and instructions for field data collection and analysis.
This material is contributed to the larger NSF Rapid effort (see below). If you have material you would like to contribute to this effort please contact me or one of the other team members. If you wish to fork this repo in order to tweak lessons for your own purposes you can find that here. Hydrology Online
Main landing page for this project is here This project is funded by the NSF RAPID Hydrologic Sciences program (Award 2028778). It's meant to make teaching courses online easier and better. The team includes:
I am currently searching for two post-docs to work on: 1. Forest cover impacts on watershed ecohydrology. This will involve remote sensing, data analysis, and watershed modeling impacts of forest disturbance across spatial and temporal scales. 2. Evaluating impacts of land cover on stream hydro-biogeochemical process. This project will involve data analysis and modeling of stream hydro-biogoechemical process across 2 systems, one forested and one agricultural. If you are interested in either of these positions please contact Tim with a CV and 1 page letter of interest.
Karin has joined our newly funded NSF project on nutrient stoichiometry, flow paths, and residence time. Karin has her BS in environmental engineering from the University of Vermont and has spent the last few years working with Sierra Streams in Northern California. We're excited to have her on board!
Tristan successfully defended his thesis on the "Biogeochemical implications of beaver-mediated fluvial complexity in river-floodplain meadows". Tristan and his wife Ineke have moved back to Washington state but we hope they come visit soon!
Congratulations to Alex Brooks who was awarded a prestigious and competitive NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship! Alex joins a select group of 2018 NESSF Fellows. In his research, Alex will use Landsat imagery to assess riparian wetland condition in the Southern Rockies and will link field and remotely-sensed information.
Allie Rhea has been awarded a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) for her work on post-wildfire water quality. Allie will use remote sensing to upscale ground-based information. Her work will be helpful in evaluating large spatial scale implications of wildfire to water quality in the Front Range of Colorado. Congratulations Allie!
Thank you for visiting the watershed research group at MSU. We are interested in understanding the physical, biological, and human influences on hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecosystem processes. We use spatial and temporal analysis to uncover the fundamental controls on watershed function.
January 2023
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